Welcome to Singapore Innovations Pte Ltd
Shaping the Future
Special Purpose Creative Entity, Singapore Innovations Pte Ltd, incorporated in Singapore, since Feb 2016 to research and develop unique products and applications from novel ideas and concepts to serve the humanity better.
Who We Are
Backed by Four Decades of Experience
Mr E.T Mohan Dass - Chairman / Director - Mechanical Engineering Honours Graduate; Chartered Engineer (I Mech. E.) UK; Singapore PE, with more than 47 years of industrial engineering experience and he also holds an MBA. He has worked in Singapore private and public sectors, in power and marine industries, local and US & Danish multinationals and Institution of higher learning. He also has business experiences owning & running a solar (PV) integration company in Singapore and a balance of plant (BOP) manufacturing unit in India. Till 2016 (5 yrs.) he was with an Energy Research Institute in the capacity of Senior Scientist.
Our Mission
To Translate Ideas Into Reality for a Better World
Our Core Values
Honesty in what we say.
Truthfulness in what we claim.
Sincerity in what we do.
Respect others ideas.
Create and share knowledge.
Professional integrity with facts.
Technologies Being Developed
Current Works
Controllable Dual Vortex Flow Generator.
Power Switching Device.
Hydrokinetic Micro `Power Generator.
500 kW Floating Tidal Power Plant.
(1) Controllable Dual Vortex Flow Generator.
{Completed & Available}
Cross Flow Ventilation
Temperature Homogenization
Density Homogenization
Gas Mixing / Blending
Indoor air quality control
RV / Mobile Homes
Automobile Cabin Climate Control
Off-grid RE Power
(2) Power Switching Device
{Completed & Available}
All solid-state electronic power switching circuit designed to respond to 4 to 20 DCV signal of any origin. Switching thresh hold setting is adjustable to suite the application and site conditions. Output from the device is capable of operating up to five (5), 65 ampere contactors.
Heavy loads like fans and pumps
Street & General Lighting
Exhaust air ventilation
Water tank
Perimeter security
using trigger condition like ambient light, CO2, water level, intruder, etc.
(3) Hydrokinetic Micro Power Generator.
At Prototype stage - Available for Industry Joint Development
Developed for powering electronic water meters.
Fitted in series like a pipe fitting (40 x 40 x 70 mm).
Totally Sealed (weather and water proof) - No maintenance.
With Li Battery or with Super Cap.
(4) 500 kW Floating Tidal Power Plant.
Ideal for many island locations (+ or – 20° of Equator) to replace diesel power generation systems.
Have completed proof of principle, design, cost estimates for a 500 kw floating barge marine energy power plant suitable for 2.5 m/sec tidal currents at near shore (less than 1 Km and 30 m depth) sites and for unmanned operation. Can be configured for pure electrical AC power export of 500 kw only or ~4000 m3 /day desalinated water only or shared. Top foot print of the novel multi-purpose barge can accommodate another (minimum) 60 kw PV power plant.